Beer Scoring
Scoring beer in pubs is really easy!
The National Beer Scoring System (NBSS) is a 0-5 point scale for judging beer quality in pubs.
It is an easy to use system that has been designed to assist CAMRA branches in selecting pubs for the Good Beer Guide and also monitor beer quality by encouraging CAMRA members from any part of the world to report beer quality on any pub in the UK.
If you are a CAMRA member, we want you to tell us about the quality of beer in the pubs you visit.
Members are encouraged to score beers in all of our pubs. This can be done by logging into the CAMRA national website ( and clicking on the beer scoring link. This information helps branches during the selection process for the Good Beer Guide.
You don’t have to be an ‘expert’ to begin scoring your beer. However, it is not about your personal favourite beer receiving the highest scores! You may try a beer that isn’t to your normal taste but what you need to consider is the quality of that beer, how well the pub has kept it and served it, and score it according to the general guide below.
It is a simple 0 to 5 point system, with half points being used if your opinion of the beer falls between two categories.